Athyrium - Lady Ferns

A fabulous genus of ferns that prefer an evenly moist soil. Deciduous, and best planted to avoid footballs, dogs etc etc.

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Athyrium filix-femina AGM

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

The native lady fern with lovely fine textured foliage. It was called the lady fern because it was the pretty, slender fern, as against the "rougher" male ferns. Tends to like a slightly more damp position than the male ferns. Deciduous.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £6.95
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Meconopsis cambrica
2. Athyrium filix-femina 'Frizelliae' AGM
3. Polypodium cambricum 'Macrostachyon'

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Athyrium filix-femina 'Frizelliae' AGM

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 30cm (12in)
  • Growing condition: Full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

The Irish Tatting fern. Beautiful, with striking long narrow fronds resembling a string of beads. Deciduous.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £6.95
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata'
2. Athyrium niponicum 'Silver Falls' AGM
3. Athyrium filix-femina AGM
Athyrium filix-femina 'Grandiceps'

Athyrium filix-femina 'Grandiceps'

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

A large terminal crest to the elegant lady ferns. Growing as per the sepecies. They have a red stem/stipe.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Asplenium scolopendrium 'Undulatum'
2. Dryopteris lepidopoda
3. Polystichum 'Shiny Holly Fern'

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Athyrium filix-femina 'Red Stem'

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

A tall growing form with a glowing red stipe. A very handsome architectural plant. Deciduous.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Athyrium niponicum 'Godzilla'
2. Microlepia strigosa
3. Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen'
Athyrium filix-femina 'Vernoniae' AGM

Athyrium filix-femina 'Vernoniae' AGM

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 45cm (18in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Feathery fronds, possibly the most attractive of all the forms. Deciduous.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen'
2. Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae'
3. Dryopteris championii
Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae'

Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae'

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 45cm (18in)
  • Growing condition: Full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Pinnae cross over; a quite extraordinarily beautiful plant. This is a very good form that has been vegetatively propagated so producing a uniform high quality plant. Deciduous.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Athyrium filix-femina 'Vernoniae' AGM
2. Dryopteris cycadina AGM
3. Araiostegia pravipinnata BSWJ 1608
Athyrium minimum

Athyrium minimum

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 15cm (6in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

A very dwarf species lady fern from the Far East. Deciduous with fresh green foliage to around 15 cm tall.

Price: £7.50


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Athyrium niponicum var pictum AGM

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 30cm (12in)
  • Growing condition: Full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

The classic silver shield fern. This by division from a highly silvered plant with a good red stipe, originally from Washfield. Deciduous.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Athyrium filix-femina 'Frizelliae' AGM
2. Dryopteris wallichiana AGM
3. Dryopteris affinis 'Crispa Gracilis' AGM

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Athyrium niponicum 'Burgundy Lace'

  • Pot size: 1.5 litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 30cm (12in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

A new burgundy flushed form from the USA. Lovely red flushed foliage all growing season. Deciduous protect from late spring frosts
Height - 30cm
Spread - 40cm
Plant at 40cm centres,
Aspect - Full shade.
Soil - most soils apart from dry or very wet.

Price: £10.00


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Athyrium filix-femina 'Frizelliae' AGM
2. Osmunda regalis 'Purpurascens'
3. Osmunda cinnamomea AGM
Athyrium niponicum var pictum Applecourt

Athyrium niponicum var pictum Applecourt

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 45cm (18in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

A good crested form of the above. I have seen these offered for quite silly money elsewhere. Deciduous.

Price: £10.00


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Athyrium niponicum 'Silver Falls' AGM
2. Athyrium filix-femina 'Vernoniae' AGM
3. Athyrium niponicum 'Godzilla'

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Athyrium niponicum 'Godzilla'

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 45cm (18in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

A new cultivar, larger growing than other forms. Creates quite a stunning large pot. Best in a courtyard or north wall.

Price: £10.00


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Athyrium filix-femina 'Red Stem'
2. Dryopteris wallichiana AGM
3. Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King' AGM

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Athyrium niponicum 'Pewter Lace'

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 45cm (18in)
  • Growing condition: Full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Fantastic coloured fronds on this form of the Japanese painted fern, pewter to silver with ruby veining.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Dryopteris wallichiana AGM
2. Athyrium otophorum var. okanum AGM
3. Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae'
Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red' AGM

Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red' AGM

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 30cm (12in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

A new introduction, rich ruby red ribbing to this silver fern. 50cm wide and 25cm tall.

Price: £10.00



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Athyrium niponicum 'Silver Falls' AGM

  • Pot size: 1.5 litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 30cm (12in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Height 30cm Spread 50cm
The best silvered form we have come across, similar growing to the species.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £10.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £9.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Athyrium otophorum var. okanum AGM
2. Adiantum aleuticum 'Imbricatum'
3. Cyclamen hederifolium 'Album' AGM

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Athyrium otophorum var. okanum AGM

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 45cm (18in)
  • Growing condition: Full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Yellow green glowing foliage with contrasting red stained veins and stipe. Similar growing conditions to the last. Very good in a pot. Deciduous.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Athyrium niponicum 'Silver Falls' AGM
2. Gymnocarpium dryopteris 'Plumosum' AGM
3. Athyrium niponicum 'Pewter Lace'

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